Friday, July 25, 2008

Beautiful Bay Fine (Fin)

Bay Fine (pronounced Fin) in the North Channel of Lake Huron which our cruising guide tells us is the only fjord in North America. The white you see in the photos is not snow (although I have generally been wearing a fleece jacket or vest several days a week), but the white quartz stone from which the mountains are formed. Geologically the area is part of the Precambrian Canadian Shield, please don't ask me to explain that little factoid because geology makes my eyes glaze over. I'm sure you can Google it and find a great explanation by someone who knows what they are talking about.
These pictures were shot early, well, early for me, on a clear morning from our anchorage in the area at the end of the bay known as the "pool". Once in the pool a boat must reverse course and follow the same nine mile course back out of Bay Fine to the North Channel
The rocks you see in the center of this shot are just a few of the millions of rocks that lie in wait for boats. For every one that you can see there are thousands lurking just below the surface.

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