Monday, June 30, 2008

Trenton, Ontario

A while back someone asked me what I did for intellectual stimulation. Listen, I just learned how to post to this blog and that is more than enough stimulation (or perhaps the word is frustration) for me. Now I need to work on adding photos but that is a whole other brain exercise that I may not be up for today as time is limited and I am never fast at figuring this stuff out. Time is limited because we only have today to get the grocery shopping done, ride the bikes to the lock and get our lock pass, manage all the e-mail, go to the Post Office and mail something to Lauren and get ready for the parade this evening. I know it doesn't sound like such a busy day to those of you with cars in the garage but it takes a long time to accomplish all of this when you are walking or biking everywhere and shopping in strange stores.

Speaking of the Post Office, I know I always complain when the price of stamps goes up but here in Canada a stamp costs $ .96 so I will try not to complain the next time I buy stamps at home.
Of course here the clerk chatted with us and was actually helpful too, had to check the door on the way out and see if it was actually a Post Office.

Wednesday we start the locks in the Trent-Severn, for now we are enjoying chatting with the local boaters and picking their brains.

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