Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Well here we are in lovely rainy Trenton, Ontario. But boaters don't let a little rain stop them. We found a bank and changed our U.S. $$ for pretty Canadian $20, and some loonies and twonies. They pronounce them tune-ease and they are a $2 coin, a loonie is a $1 coin and you can use them in the machines at the laundromat. Ah, yes, we did the laundromat; no matter where we are we seem to have laundry to do, something about wearing clothes and taking showers that creates wash. As a reward we took a walk in between showers and used our leftover loonies to buy ice cream.

The weather is stinky and we are in a marina until the 2nd. Part of the reason we are staying put is to enjoy Canada Day celebrations here. We are looking forward to experiencing the Canadian Independence Day. Wednesday morning we will start the Trent Severn Canal