Friday, February 5, 2010

“You Went Where"???!!!

To Kansas City, in the middle of winter, what were you thinking? Well, perhaps I wasn’t really thinking, instead I just followed my heart. Many of you know that I have three sisters (and four brothers, but we aren’t talking about them here). The youngest sister, Christina, lives in Kansas City and is nearly 19 years younger than I. The others are Roni, in St. Louis, and Lisa, in Raleigh, NC,

I think part of the reason it was so much fun is because it was really spontaneous, Roni put it together at the last minute and we just did it. Roni had a credit on Southwest for a flight that she was unable to take last year, it was a “use it by ___ or loose it” type thing and since she wasn’t in a position to use it and didn’t want to let it go to waste Roni decided to give it to Lisa so that she could visit Christina on her Birthday. Then an idea began to germinate and she called me in mid-January and asked “can you get to an airport to fly to KC on the weekend of the 30th”? “If you can I’ll drive up and we can all celebrate together.” Thus was born the Sisters’ Weekend and we had a ball.

What did we do? Nothing so special, just talked & laughed, the laughter was the best. We shared pictures of our Grands (Roni’s & mine), remembered our Auntie and Grannie who were very special women in our lives, and played with Christina’s kids. As I mentioned Christina is quite a bit younger than I am and she had children far later in life than I did, so her kids are now 4, 7 & 9 (almost). Like most kids that age they love hearing about when their Mommy was a little kid and boy did we have stories for them.

The kids introduced me to Wii and were a little put off by my limited skills at Wii Sports. Apparently if you normally bowl gutter balls and are unable to connect with a tennis ball in real life you don’t improve any with an electronic wand in your hand! I had heard that the three of them wanted to challenge the three Aunties to a game but I think after playing with me they decided it wouldn’t be much of a challenge to beat any team I was on.

So, despite the freezing temperatures in Kansas City and the big snowstorm forecast for Raleigh that caused a last minute change in Lisa’s travel plans, we had a great celebration. Christina made everyone’s favorite cookies for us; mine are brownies! I must tell you though, we did agree to handle future celebrations a bit differently; we will either gather on my birthday (which is the only one in a warm weather month), or we will gather in Cancun and not KC!

Here’s to sisters!

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