Sunday, September 20, 2009

More Pictures of Lauren & Anna

Okay, in the interests of accuracy I must confess that we didn't "just return" from vacation, in fact we have been back for nearly three weeks now. Yes I understand that at least part of the purpose of a blog is to keep others up to date on what is happening with us but I am just not always willing to take the time to get my thoughts organized enough to share them - or my pictures!.

In my defense I am also a bit slow because we had company aboard a few days after we arrived home and then I have had very slow connections via our air card. It takes a fairly quick connection to post photos and so I had a good excuse for procrastinating.

The past week has been rainy and we have mostly hunkered down, first in anchorages and then in a marina with no wi-fi and now, finally, in a marina just above Chattanooga where I have the double benefit of the air card being fast and a fast wi-fi connection. As we hope to leave here tomorrow I am taking advantage of this windfall of fast connections to send a few more pictures of Lauren and Anna that we took on our recent trip.

Is she cute or what?

Making a point to Daddy

Sharing a moment with Grandpa

I love this shot in spite of the fact that Lauren has a red "mustache" from a Popsicle

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